Photomicrography > Diamonds - natural vs synthetic rough
First draft: January 18th, 2015 | Last update: September 29th, 2015
Natural diamonds
The photomicrographs of natural diamonds will be updated shortly.
Trigons on the face of a 1.28ct
triangular flat rough diamond
50x (FoV ± 1.7mm) Refl
Trigons on the face of a 0.77ct
octahedral rough diamond
30x (FoV ± 3.0mm) Refl
Natural pink diamonds
Argyle diamond mine, Kimberley, WA, Australia
Colour distribution in an Argyle pink diamond (dark streaks are due to bad polishing)
25x (FoV ± 4.0mm) 5 imgs, TM, Pol
Its anomalous birefringence becomes quite apparent between crossed polarisers
25x (FoV ± 4.0mm) X-Pol
A more detailed photograph of the same 0.12ct sample highlighting colour bands
50x (FoV ± 3.0mm) 5 imgs, TM, Pol
A more detailed photograph of the sample between crossed polarisers
50x (FoV ± 3.0mm) X-Pol
Note the distinct rectangular graining pattern in this 0.15ct slice
50x (FoV ± 3.0mm) TM, Pol
The same sample observed between crossed polarisers
40x (FoV ± 4.0mm) X-Pol
HPHT-grown synthetic diamonds
from various unspecified producers in Russia & China
Seed-Gradient Temperature Method (HPHT)
A 0.96ct HPHT-grown plate-like diamond allegedly from Belarus - note the seed
25x (FoV ± 3.5mm) 7 imgs, Obl
This 1.12ct polycrystalline diamond from Russia shows some interesting features
6x (FoV ± 5.0mm) 16 imgs, Obl
These synthetic diamonds are grown by the HPHT technique
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 7 imgs, Obl, Sh
They were produced in China and are of very good colours
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 5 imgs, Obl, Sh
The stones examined range between 0.01 and 0.03 carats
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 7 imgs, Obl, Sh
Shape and faces of a 0.01ct HPHT-grown diamond
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 6 imags, Obl, Sh
Detailed faces of the stone depictured on the left
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) Obl, Sh
Detailed image of a stone with similar characteristics
50x (FoV ± 1.0mm) Obl, Sh
Note the multiple images of the seed in this 0.02ct stone
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 12 imgs, Obl, Sh
A seed plate like the one seen in the stone on the left
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) Obl, Sh
For comparison: the seed of the 0.96ct Belarus synthetic
10x (FoV ± 7.0mm) 10 imgs, Obl
Synthetics with seed and a 0.05ct natural
9x (FoV ± 10.0mm) Obl, Sh
One of the three rough stones found with a large seed (?)
25x (FoV ± 2.5mm) 10 imgs, Obl, Sh
The same stone seen from another angle
30x (FoV ± 2.0mm) 12 imgs, Obl, Sh
The "seed" attached to this stone is completely different
30x (FoV ± 2.0mm) Obl, Sh
The third stone found in the parcel of 25 documented
30x (FoV ± 2.0mm) 6 imgs, Obl, Sh
The same stone seen in another position
30x (FoV ± 2.0mm) 6 imgs, Obl, Sh
Even Temperature Method (HPHT)
The polished natural stone weighs 0.01ct
12x (FoV ± 4.5mm) 7 imgs, Obl, Pol
The samples examined weigh between 0.01 and 0.02ct
40x (FoV ± 1.5mm) 11 imgs, Obl, Pol
They seem to have developed by spontaneous nucleation
40x (FoV ± 1.5mm) 6 imgs, Obl, Pol
All crystals examined showed cuboctahedral faces
40x (FoV ± 1.5mm) Obl, Pol
Metallic (flux | catalyst) inclusions are conspicuous
40x (FoV ± 1.5mm) 10 imgs, Obl, Pol
By 2015, 100.000cts of these were polished in Surat, India
40x (FoV ± 1.5mm) 10 imgs, Obl, Pol